Root Calculator


Square Root Calculator

Result of Square Root Calculator


Nth Root Calculator

Result of Nth Root Calculator

The Nth root of x is given by the formula:

Nth root = nx


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Learn more about Root Calculator

Using our square root estimator, you may get the square root of any positive number. Simply type in the selected number to view the results. Quick and automated calculations are used throughout! This tool also allows you to estimate the square of any desired number; all you need to do is type the desired number into the second box. This feature might be very useful when using the square root technique to locate perfect squares.

Do you have trouble performing the fundamental mathematical operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing square roots? Never again! You may find a thorough description of numerous square root properties, such as how to simplify square roots, in the text that follows, along with a wide range of examples.

How to find square roots!

Have you ever wondered where the square root symbol came from? We can guarantee you that this history is not as straightforward as it initially appears to be. Like the percent sign, the root symbol has a long history that dates back to antiquity.

Just click the links above to go right to the part where you want to find information about the square root function or graph. There, we define a square root fundamentally and discuss how to compute square roots of exponents and fractions. We also discuss what the derivative of a square root is. You will eventually realize that it is feasible to find the square root of a negative integer if you are tenacious enough. In this way, we introduce complex numbers, which have numerous uses in both mathematics and science.

Square root symbol √

It was previously known how to calculate a number's square root in antiquity. Babylonia produced the first clay tablet with the accurate value of 2 = 1.41421 to the fifth decimal place (1800 BC - 1600 BC). Square roots were also employed by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, and Chinese, according to several additional records. However, there is still a lot of speculation about the root symbol's origin.

Many academics assume that square roots are descended from the letter "r," which begins the Latin word radix, which means root.

The horizontal "bar" across the integers inside the square root (or radical) sign, was absent in its initial use. The Latin term for the "bar" is vinculum, which means link. Although we now often employ the radical symbol with vinculum, we frequently omit this overline in documents, such as articles on the internet. Albert Girard proposed the notation of the higher degrees of a root by inserting the degree index within the opening of the radical sign, such as ³√ or ⁴√.

The final query is: given its genuine history, why is the square root operation referred to as root? If we use an alternative manner to state the equation x = ⁿ√a , the reasoning should be clearer: xⁿ = a. Because it is a's secret basis, x is known as a root or radical. Thus, the term "radical" does not refer to anything far-reaching or excessive, but rather to something fundamental, getting to the bottom of a problem.

Square root definition

The standard operations on numbers in mathematics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, we occasionally include some more, more complex operations and manipulations on this list, such as square roots, exponentiation, logarithmic functions, and even trigonometric functions (e.g., sine and cosine). We will solely discuss the square root definition in this post.

Every integer y whose square y2 = y*y results in the original number x is the square root of the provided number x. Consequently, the square root formula may be written as follows:

√x = y ⟺ x = y²,

where the mathematical sign ⟺ if and only if" is used. Every positive real number has two square roots: a positive square root and a negative square root. However, we typically employ the positive one for a variety of practical reasons. Zero is the only integer with a single square root. Because zero is neither positive nor negative, 0 = 0 explains why.

Another popular square root notation exists as well, which may be more practical in many difficult calculations. According to a different formula, the square root of a number is equal to that number multiplied by the exponent of the fraction one-half:

√x = x^(1/2) = x^(0.5) (0.5)

The length of a square's side can be calculated by taking the square root of one of its areas. Due to this, it contains the term "square" in its name. The cube-root situation is comparable. The length of an object's edges may be determined by taking the cube root of its volume. Cube roots are used to estimate parameters that relate to the volume, such as density, while square roots are employed when evaluating surface areas.

How do you calculate the square root?

We may not be the most modest people, but we believe that the simplest solution to the problem of how to determine the square root is to use the square root calculator. It allows you to easily calculate the square root of a given integer on a computer or smartphone. Unfortunately, there are instances when you have to rely only on yourself. What do you do in those cases? You need have in mind a few fundamental perfect square roots in order to be ready for this:

  • Square root of 1:√1 = 1, since 1 * 1 = 1
  • Square root of 4:√4 = 2, since 2 * 2 = 4
  • Square root of 9:√9 = 3, since 3 * 3 = 9
  • Square root of 16:√16 = 4, since 4 * 4 = 16
  • Square root of 25:√25 = 5, since 5 * 5 = 25
  • Square root of 36:√36 = 6, since 6 * 6 = 36
  • Square root of 49:√49 = 7, since 7 * 7 = 49
  • Square root of 64:√64 = 8, since 8 * 8 = 64

The square roots of the values above are the easiest since you always get an integer. Try to keep these in mind! But what can you do if a given integer doesn't have a very attractive square root? There are several answers. First, you might attempt to forecast the outcome by trial and error.

Square root calculator

You may not always need to know the precise square root outcome. If so, using our square root calculator to estimate the value of each square root you require is your best option. Say, for instance, that you want to determine if 4√5 is larger than 9. You know that √5 ≈ 2.23607 thanks to the calculator, thus4√5 ≈ 4 * 2.23607 = 8.94428 . Although it is quite near to 9, it is not bigger than the 9.

The final answer is provided by the square root calculator with a respectable level of accuracy (to five digits in above example). You can calculate this result to as many significant figures as you like using the significant figure calculator.

A number may have several square roots.

In actuality, every positive integer has two square roots—one that is positive and the other that is equivalent to the first but negative. This is so that the result is positive if two negative numbers are multiplied together.

Without a calculator, how can the square root be determined?

  • Calculate the square root approximation. If you're stumped, use the closest square number.
  • Subtract the estimate from the number you wish to get the square root of.
  • The outcome of step 2 plus the estimate.
  • The outcome of step 3 by two. Your updated estimate is this.
  • Use your new estimate as you repeat steps 2-4. The result is more accurate the more times this is done.

How do I determine the square roots?

  • Find the square number that is closest to the thought-of number above and below.
  • Between the square roots of these integers will be the square root.
  • The number's proximity to a square root serves as a measure of how near the root is. For instance, the root will be very close to 5, since 26 is very close to 25.
  • To get the hang of it, give it a few tries.

Is 2 divided by its square root a rational number?

The square root of 2 is not a logical number. This is due to the fact that 2 can never have only even exponents when represented as a fraction, 2/1, and that a rational number cannot have been squared to get it.

How may a square root be eliminated?

Any square roots in an algebraic equation are eliminated by squaring both sides of the equation. The outcome of this operation is that the square roots will be swapped out for the original number that their square roots were being found for.

Do square roots make sense?

Certain square roots make sense, whereas others don't. If the number you are square rooting can be stated using only even exponents (for example, 4 = 22 / 1 2), you may determine if the square root is rational or not. If it can, it's reasonable at its core.

Is 5 divided by its square root a rational number?

Five does not have a reasonable square root. This is due to the fact that 5 cannot be written as a fraction where the exponents in both the numerator and denominator are even. Therefore, it is impossible for a rational number to have been squared to get 5.

Is seven squared a logical number?

Seven is square-rooted to produce an irrational number. Since 7 cannot be stated as a fraction of integers, it cannot be written as a fraction with only even exponents, proving that it is not rational.