Time Calculator


Time and Date Calculator


time calculator

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Learn more about Time Calculator

You may subtract time (discover the time difference), add time, and compute the duration between dates using the time and date calculator.

It also has a timer (you can check time duration, e.g. how many days and hours passed from 2.03.2010 11:00 am to 3.04.2010 6:30 pm). The text contains instructions on how to use each component of the calculator as well as how to manually compute time.

How we measure time:

To establish time, two separate types of measurement are commonly employed today: the calendar and the clock.

These time measures are based on the sexagesimal numeral system, which has the number 60 as its foundation. This system was developed in ancient Sumer about the third millennium BC and was adopted by the Babylonians.

It is presently used to measure time, angles, and geographic coordinates in a modified form. Base 60 is utilized because the number 60 is a better extremely composite number with 12 components.

A superior extremely composite number is a natural number with more divisors than any other number scaled to some power of itself.

With so many variables, the number 60 simplifies many fractions using sexagesimal numbers, and its mathematical benefit is one of the reasons it is still used today. 1 hour, or 60 minutes, for example, may be equally split into 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 minute, demonstrating part of the reasons for the sexagesimal.

Hours - Time Calculator

Use this calculator to quickly and accurately determine the hour difference between any two times in a day. If an hour computation is inconvenient for you, it will also provide the result in minutes.

This is the hours' calculator for you if you want to know how many hours you spend on specific activities (for example, how many hours am I working?).

Add Time

Do you want to add time? Have you ever yourself asked to calculate how much time you spend doing something? Have you been having trouble calculating the total number of hours you've worked? Have you ever wondered how much time you spent studying for your math exams? Manually calculating time might be difficult. Our time adder is an online calculator that requires no download and is simple to use.

Enter the two units - hours and minutes - to use the time adder. Repeat the process in the following field to add extra time. You can put times in up to ten lines and add more if necessary. The hours calculator computes values automatically as you fill out each line. When you're finished, you may "Clear" the lines and try again. Do you want to print or email the findings of the time calculator? Simply click the correct box to initiate the action.

How to calculate hours between times?

This basic online calculator makes it simple to determine the time difference between two provided timings in hours and minutes. To determine the hours and minutes included in a time period, you must first know when it begins and when it ends. The time format used by the hours' calculator will be determined by your browser's locale settings, such as US or UK.

After entering the start and end dates of the time period in question, just click the "Calculate difference" button. The discrepancy is shown below in both full hours and minutes. If you input the first hour later in the day than the second, the time difference is computed as if the first hour is today and the second is tomorrow.

Entering a start time of 6 PM and an end time of 8 AM into the calculator, for example, will compute the difference in hours, minutes, and seconds from 6 PM today to 8 AM tomorrow in hours, minutes, and seconds (14 hours).


This calculator for calculating the number of hours between two times might be used to determine how long you worked in order to fill out time sheets. How many hours are there between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (or 9:00 a.m. and 17:30 p.m.)? Simply insert the two times in any order and click "Calculate."

The total time will be 8 hours and 30 minutes (8:30 hours or 8.5 hours in decimal) or 510 minutes. There are 8 hours between these two periods. It also permits deducting lunch breaks and other forms of pauses from the total number of hours in between. See lunch breaks for further information.

How many hours?

If you're using our calculator to figure out how many hours you've worked, you should utilize the capability that allows you to remove a lunch break or other forms of shift breaks to get the working time. A 7:30 to 4:30 work day with a 30-minute lunch break, for example, represents an 8.5 hr shift day (9 hours in between, minus 30 minutes or 0.5 hours equals 8.5).

If you work shifts, your breaks may not be a lunch breaks, and you may be permitted many breaks. In this scenario, sum the amount of time off and enter it in the form (in minutes).

American vs. European time

European time

The way Europeans and Americans tell time differs, both in terms of how it is pronounced and written. Americans utilize the hours till 12 twice a day, but Europeans use the hours between 00:00 and 23:59. As a result, in America, individuals would use pm and am to indicate which part of the day they were discussing. Most Europeans, on the other hand, would probably suggest 15:00 o'clock (instead of 3 pm). To make matters even more complex for visitors from other countries, many Europeans would also state 3 p.m.

If you're new to Europe and want to deal with "military time," all you have to do is utilize the hours until 12 in the same way and then add or subtract 12 from the result, adding pm after the result. For example, if you have a meeting at 17:30, the time is 17:30 - 12 = 5:30 pm. If you need to know what to write to a colleague you want to meet at 2 p.m., 2 + 12 Equals 14 p.m.

American Time

It should be emphasized for accuracy that, while similar, European time telling is not exactly military time. In the military, 18:00 (6 p.m.) is 1800. It is "eighteen o'clock" in one example and "eighteen hundred" in the other. 7:00 (7 a.m.) in the military would be "zero seven hundred" or "oh seven hundred" (0700), whilst citizens in Europe would just say "seven."

The tougher military method of transmitting time is required because of the crucial situations under which it is utilized. Miscalculating the hour or minute of activity might cost lives...